Life is full of unexpected surprises and circumstances may change, leaving your home loan less suitable than it was originally. It’s worth getting a home loan health check to review if you’re paying too much.

Questions to ask to ask yourself

  • Am I paying an unreasonably high interest rate?
  • Am I paying high fees?
  • Am I happy with the service I receive?
  • Does my current loan give me the features I need?
  • Am I paying for features I don’t really use? Have my financial circumstances changed?


If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then it’s a good time for a home loan health check.


Benefits Explained

A home loan health check is a free discussion aimed at fine tuning your home loan and could save you thousands. Your home loan may be improved by refinancing or you may find a lower interest rate. A better payment structure could also be introduced, making your repayments more manageable. Checking the state of your current loan could also uncover the possibility of taking out additional finance, which can consolidate other debts you may have, or help you buy an investment property. Call one of our home lending specialists on 1300 302 474 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday AEST) to help you uncover ways to save money on your home loan today.


We offer the following solutions to help you manage your home loan:

  • Refinancing
  • Increasing your home loan
  • Accessing additional funds
  • Reviewing your loan structure